Hope City is an inner city IHOPKC house of prayer. We are a multicultural prayer-based ministry combining prayer for justice with works of justice.

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Healing Rooms Testimonies

Below are some testimonies of what the Lord has been doing at the Healing Rooms at Hope City!

If you need prayer for physical, emotional, spiritual, or addiction issues, we would love for you to come to the Hope City Healing Rooms which is open on Mondays from 4pm-6pm!  No problem is too big or too small, God is concerned about everything that affects your life.   

Sometimes healing takes place all at one time, more like a miracle.  And, sometimes it happens in stages. We encourage you to come back for more healing prayer if you need to after your first visit.  Don't get discouraged!

Healing Testimony from Susan:

We read all through out the New Testament as to Jesus going around healing many, yet we think to ourselves, "does it really happen?  Who does it really happen to?  Is there really such a thing as supernatural healing?  The answer is, "YES".

December of 2009, I had noticed an indentation on my left upper arm.  Thinking nothing of it, I let it go.  As months went by, I noticed this indentation was getting deeper and bigger, almost the size of a half dollar.  When I realized that my left arm felt weak as I carried my purse, I thought I'd better have it checked out.

January of 2010, I went in to my doctor.  He looked at this strange indentation and stated he had only seen this type of thing 1 other time, and knew it was an early sign of the muscle in my arm dying.  Immediately he set me up to go see a specialist.  Going to this doctor only led to more tests.  One in particular scared the day lights out of me.  The EKG Test...which they test the nerves.  This specialist said. "if you do not address this immediately, you will loose use of your arm and shoulder."  Now I'm getting worried!  Being a motorcycle rider, all I thought of was, "if I loose use of this arm, how would I work my clutch and ride!!"

For the next 4 months, I had now gone through 2 MRI tests, and 2 CAT Scans, which showed a blood clot in the lower part of my spine, and a blood blockage in the upper part of my spine.  Going back to my specialist, he took the CD out which showed the results.  He then prepares me for possible surgery on my spine!  Panic is not even the emotion to describe what I was feeling.  He set me up to have a spinal tap done to determine the exact location of these two areas for surgery.

Through all this, I had so many people praying.  I'm calling out to Jesus, begging Him not to let them mess around with my spine.

While driving my car I would break down and cry just thinking about surgery.  During work I'd cry because of the fear that started to come.  At night, as I tried to fall asleep I'd cry, thinking about my options.  Have the surgery on my spine or loose the use of my arm and shoulder.  All I thought about was a useless arm hanging down like a wet noodle.

One day, I was told to go to Heartland Healing Rooms, in which the couple that oversee this are very gifted in healing.  I've read of this gift in the New Testament.  1 Corinthians 12:4-9 says, "to another faith by the same spirit gifts of healing." so off I went to receive prayer and healing of my spine.  This couple made me feel so comfortable and welcomed.  They prayed over my arm and spine, and I could feel a sensation of heat.  Another time, they prayed again.  Their prayers were not long winded, nothing fancy, no big words, just a simple prayer asking the Lord for healing.

The time came to go have the spinal tap done.  This in itself caused anxiety, due to what we hear about complications of a spinal tap.  As I'm laying on this gurney, strapped down,  the technician is looking at my spine on the monitor and comments to the doctor, "there is no blood clot or blockage on this spine!"  I don't know who was more surprised, me or those looking at the screen!

In July, I went back to see my specialist that was going to schedule me for surgery.  He viewed this CD showing the spinal tap results.  He looks at me with a perplexed look on his face and says, "Mrs. Smith*, you are not going to need surgery." I asked him why not (although I already knew), and he states, "I don't know how this happen, and I can't give an explanation for it, but the blood clot and blockage are gone."  Because of his answer, I was able to look right in his eyes and give testimony as to the supernatural healing of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen! It was then that I notice, this man happen to be Jewish, for he wore a yarmulke.  Oh...how the Lord was able to use a simple person to give testimony as to His healing, and to an expert in the medical field!!!

As I walked out of that office, the emotions that I felt were overwhelming with thanksgiving on my lips to our Lord and Savior for healing my spine and arm!

*We've changed Susan's last name for privacy reasons.

More testimonies...

Tonya – Both her daughter  and son were touched by the Lord at the healing rooms.  Her daughter was ill and began feeling better right away; Tonya said she was “back to her old self” in a few minutes.  Her son suffered from nightmares and she later reported that he was now sleeping peacefully without bad dreams.  10-11-10   

Tom – He had pain in his legs and after ministry said, “all my pain is going.”  10-25-10

Tonya – Tonya had severe pain in her jaw from a tooth problem.  Ten minutes after prayer she reported that all the pain was gone.  10-12-10,  Confirmed 11-8-10

Kept Anonymous – Diagnosed with COPD, he started breathing deeply during prayer.  He exclaimed that he had not been able to breathe like this for 3½ months.  11-8-10

I Mack – I went into the healing rooms and received release in my neck and hip and leg as well as some inner healing.  4/4/11  HCHR.

Anonymous – Lord, thank you for being in my life, for touching me, and for healing my body.  Back pain is gone.  4/20/11  HCHR

Anonymous – I was having issues in my back.  I went to the healing room and received prayer and noticed a change today.  The change remains and is improving.  4/27/11  HCHR

Joyce – Joint pain, arthritis, and headache pain gone after prayer.  5/11/11  HCHR

Renee – I came here with huge bad things in my mind – to the point of suicidal and cutting intentions.  I have been delivered of … now, a clear mind, not felt since 9/09, physically and mentally blessed.  5/16/11  HCHR